Washington Chess Federation
Supporting and promoting chess related activities throughout Washington State since 1946
Welcome to the WCF.
We are in a unique time for sure. The COVID-19 pandemic has really affected so many things up and down the line, and not surprisingly, chess! Chess players don’t just stop playing chess, organizers don’t just stop organizing, publishers don’t just stop publishing, and for most of us, life goes on. It is in our nature to find ways to keep going, and going, and going...
I look forward to the day when we can all once again meet over the board and in the interim, we’ll keep finding ways to play online together.
The Magic of Chess
US Chess is delighted to share our new video, the Magic of Chess, which premiered last week on The Atlantic's website. The video features children from the 2019 National Elementary (K-6) Championship explaining what chess means to them.
“I am convinced, the way one plays chess always reflects the player’s personality. If something defines his character, then it will also define his way of playing.”
– Vladimir Kramnik
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Contact Us
Mailing: Orlov Chess Academy
4174 148th Avenue NE, Bldg. I, Ste. M
Redmond, Washington 98052-5164